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Leadership Committee for Africa


Leadership Committee for Africa

The Leadership Committee for Africa is a student-run organization which seeks to educate Culver and wider communities about the AIDS crisis in Africa, financially support programs that promote the health, welfare, education, and advancement of women and children, and provide opportunities for students to learn and work in Africa.

Founded in 2004 by members of Culver Girls Academy, the Leadership Committee for Africa supports three major international organizations – Christel House South Africa, the Amani Children’s Foundation and The School of St. Jude.

Christel House South Africa is part of a network of schools devoted to helping children around the world from low-income backgrounds break the cycle of poverty and become self-sufficient, contributing members of society.

The Amani Children’s Foundation works in conjunction with New Life Homes, a series of orphanages located in Kenya which care for abandoned HIV-positive babies.

The School of St. Jude provides a free, high-quality education to the poorest and brightest students from the Arusha District in Tanzania. The mission of the school is to educate disadvantaged, bright students from the Arusha District in Tanzania to become moral and intellectual leaders in their country.

LCA is divided into four major sub-committees: Fundraising, Research and Education, Communications, and Work Projects. While each committee focuses on separate goals and initiatives, every branch collaborates to pursue LCA’s overarching goal of eliminating AIDS and poverty in Africa.

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