Student Activities
Clubs, organizations, weekend activities, these are all part of Student Life at Culver. Clubs are non-academic, which means it's your time! Clubs meet outside the academic time and provide outlets for students and employees with special interests and hobbies. Whatever you're looking for, there is something for you at Culver. Below is a list of the clubs and organizations for the current academic year.
Black Student Union (BSU)
The mission of the Black Student Union (BSU) is to cultivate unity and belonging amongst the black, multiracial, and African students and adults, and encourage positive connection with the larger Culver community. As a club, we strive to provide discussion forums, events, and an inclusive environment, where black students and faculty can discuss the issues that are important to them, and non-black community members can come to learn more about the black, multiracial, and African experience at Culver.
Book Club
Students and adults meet on a drop in basis in the Dining Hall at lunch to discuss various books.
Boy Scouts Troop 209
Scouting at Culver was initiated with the vision of allowing Cadets to earn their Eagle Scout rank while attending Culver.
CGA Rugby Club
CGA Rugby Club is a team founded in the spring of 2017. It is devoted to teaching CGA students the importance of leadership and inclusivity through their participation or management of rugby. No experience is required and there is a position for every person. The season officially starts in the spring, but preseason workouts are available for those who qualify in the winter. The team also has various bonding activities throughout the year, often times with the CMA rugby team.
Canoe Sports
Chess Club
Chinese Culture Club
For over a decade, the Culver Chinese Culture Club (CCCC) has served as a home away from home for Chinese and Chinese-descended students, as well as an opportunity for the Culver community to learn about Chinese culture, traditions, and celebrations from students. Each year, we provide opportunities for Chinese students and families to build community, and we also take pride in providing our campus with lively celebrations for the Mid-Autumn Festival and Lunar New Year.
Coding Club
Coding Club teaches students about the importance of coding in a technology driven society and teaches them about practical and applicable coding techniques.
Community Service Club
Consists of representatives from each dorm and unit who organize and implement service opportunities for all members of the Culver community. The Community Service Council also supports other organizations and individuals sponsoring events by assisting in recruiting volunteers.
Cultural Corner (Diverse Conversations)
Culver Rifle Club
Culver Rifle Club is open to all students, skill level is not important. A good attitude, passion for the sport and consistency are our goals. All students are given the opportunity to shoot and compete, no one sits on the bench. Every student is taught by a qualified NRA certified instructor that guides them through an upward learning curve regarding proper marksmanship and self-discipline, skills that give each student confidence in themselves on the range and off.
Culver Youth Community Organization (CYCO)
This organization builds relations with the Culver town community through joint community projects.
Discussing American Topics (DAT)
DAT promotes civil discourse and dialogue on political, social, and spiritual events talked about in America.
Diversity Council
Diversity Council explores topics and questions around diversity, equity, and inclusion in the campus and broader communities. The Council seeks to foster collaboration with students of diverse backgrounds and experiences, and across cultural and affinity groups on campus. Leaders work closely with adult sponsors and student members to plan programming for a school-wide day of diversity-focused activities and programming each year, along with regular meetings and other activities.
Docent Corps (Visual Arts)
Docent Corps is new. Started within the context of our current Visual Art Prefect’s Leadership role.
Dungeons and Dragons Club
A fun friendly club where people come together for imaginative and creative games.
French Club
The Mission of the Cércle Français is to provide French language and cultural enrichment opportunities to the Culver Academies’ community. The group’s activities will include but are not limited to the following: All school event celebrating French Language month (November), Dinners at the Dining Hall where French is spoken (monthly) and a newsworthy event of the Francophone world is discussed, viewing of French films, collaboration with the Global Studies’ Institute for a cultural event, French cuisine demonstrations and other student created and student led activities.
Green Life
Green Life is a coeducational, student run club dedicated to sustainability on and around the Culver Academies campus. Our mission is to increase awareness of “green” initiatives, and how the average student can make a difference. We are involved in recycling initiatives, educational outreach, trash cleanups, field trips, etc.
We are loosely divided into 3 subgroups: Community Service, Sustainability, and Crafts. Each subgroup is in charge of brainstorming ideas that the entire club can then participate in. Green Life serves as a student liaison group between the administration / sustainability coordinator and the student body. We try and focus our efforts on activities that can get students directly involved with increasing sustainability on campus.
Junior Classical League Latin Club
The Culver Latin Club is open to all members of the community. It serves to diminish the stereotype “Why do you study Latin? It’s a dead language” by offering events, which expose the prevalence of Latin in contemporary society. The Club also seeks to become a chapter of the National Junior Classical League. The members of the Culver Latin Club will then be able to become members of the National Junior Classical League (NJCL). It will cost each person $2.00 to become a member of the NJCL. Membership in the NJCL would give the students opportunities to be inducted into the National Latin Honor Society as well as to participate in Certamen (Latin Quiz Bowl, an event held between schools).
There are also NJCL conferences, which the club will look into attending or potentially hosting in the Spring of later years. The initial year of the Latin Club will focus on discovering the interest in the community and establishing a membership with the NJCL.
Activities will include watching movies, cooking, learning about Latin roots in English, and membership in the NJCL. In April, the club hopes to host a special meal with a Roman/Italian theme in the dining hall to celebrate the founding of Rome.
Knitting Club
Leadership Committee for Africa
LCA is a nonprofit organization run by CGA. The mission is to respond to the AIDS and poverty crisis through research, education, Community outreach and meaningful partnerships. Learn more about LCA!
Linguistic Olympiad
Math Forum
A place for math enthusiasts of all levels to congregate and enjoy math and fellow enthusiasts! We hold meetings about once a month. Sometimes we will solve problems and other times just chat and watch funny math videos. We also compete in team math competitions throughout the year. All are encouraged to be involved at any level they want and feel comfortable in.
Model United Nations
Model U.N. is a student-run international relations club, led by a student executive board. The Board determines annual conference priorities, trains new delegates, and facilitates the Culver MUN training conference, which prepares team members for national conferences. The club engages in an authentic simulation of the United Nations system by learning about the UN system, researching contemporary and historical global policy issues, developing skills of debate, compromise, conflict resolution and negotiation. Model U.N. team members enjoy learning about the workings of global diplomacy through the lens of current events. The Model U.N. team participates in three national Model U.N. conferences held at a variety college campuses throughout the United States, each year.
Peer Coaching - Tutoring
Peer Coaches are leaders in all academic areas. They meet with other Culver students, once a week for 30-45 minutes, for one-on-one study sessions to help Peers strengthen academic and study skills.
Performing Caring Collaborating (PCC)
The PCC club meets each month of the school year on a Sunday afternoon and travels to the Katherine Caspar Home in Plymouth, Indiana.
The students spend time with the residents usually playing bingo or entertaining them with musical instruments and/or singing.
We are a competitive, non-athletic team (we have a conference, state competition and get varsity letters, etc.) Students can chose two levels of involvement in the team – conference only (requires 2 practices per week and all conference tournament matches) and competitive (varsity and JV) which requires all practices, conference matches, and applicable weekend.
Racquet Sports (badminton, table tennis, squash)
Review Line (formerly The Quill – literary magazine)
Roll Call (Yearbook)
The Roll Call carries on a tradition of recording and publishing a chronicle of each year since 1905. Student editors and staff provide the leadership of three main objectives – graphic design, photography, and writing – going above and beyond to document the memories and stories throughout the year.
Science Club
Student Ambassador Organization (SAO)
Sign up to be a Student Ambassador at the Activities Fair in August. The following Sunday, trained Admissions leaders in every dorm and unit, train their own girls and boys in-house to be SAOs. We have approximately 320 trained SAOs of all grades who have volunteered to represent our school in the most profound manner. They are our “First Face of Culver”. They are usually the first student a parent meets when they bring their child to visit, and they are often the reason a parent decides to send their child to Culver. Our Admissions leaders, the CGA Admissions Prefects (8), and the SAO Unit Representatives (9), all stay in contact with their SAOs beyond the visiting season beginning September 1 lasting through the end of January. SAOs do not have regularly scheduled meetings. We have an annual Pizza Party in the spring on a weekday lunch hour.
Shotgun Sports Club
The Culver Academies Shotgun Sports Club is a co-educational organization for the beginning, intermediate and advanced shooter. First and foremost, it is dedicated to the instruction of firearm safety. In addition to the latter, members are provided a solid foundation in Skeet Shooting, Trap Shooting and the game of Sporting Clays. Students will have the opportunity to compete on both the state and national levels as a team, and / or as an individual through the National Skeet Shooting Association’s Scholastic Clay Target Program and the American Trap Association’s AIM Program.
Sin Fornteras
Sin Fronteras, which means “without borders,” is a student club devoted to sharing Latin American and Spanish culture, as well as learning the Spanish language. Our purpose is to promote cultural awareness on campus and provide opportunities for cultural experiences and language practice. We welcome all interested students, whether from Spanish-speaking countries, of Hispanic descent or students who wish to learn more about Latin American and Spanish culture and language. During meetings and activities, our members share their own traditions and learn from the experiences of others. We meet to plan activities, usually once or twice monthly. Our club has hosted various all-campus events to celebrate Latin culture, including dinners in the Dining Hall, educational displays and presentations, crafts, cooking and music activities, fundraisers and occasional field trips.
Spectrum (LGBTQ+ Alliance)
Spectrum aims to raise awareness to the LGBTQ+ population and their experience on campus. We work towards increasing knowledge and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community among students and adults! We achieve these goals by hosting conversations and giving presentations surrounding topics about the LGBTQ+ community. In addition to helping our community better understand and support sexual and gender identity, we also build a supportive group environment for LGBTQ+ students and their allies.
Speech Team
Culver Speech Team offers students a chance to overcome fear of public speaking, develop poise, and hone their effectiveness as speakers in a variety of events. Students perform as individuals or, in some events, pairs, their efforts adding to the team’s standing in tournaments. Speech runs as a sport does with practices and weekly tournaments, and has won many trophies. As a member of the National Speech and Debate Association (formerly the National Forensics League), the Indiana High School Speech Association, and the Central Indiana Forensics League (CIFL), we compete against other schools in Indiana in the 14 National and State recognized events. The season goes from late October to mid/late March, and students are able to earn a varsity letter.
Stamp Club
Meets to collect interesting stamps.
Spiritual Life (Various Topics & Faiths)
The student news magazine.
Women in STEM
Women in STEM’s purpose is to boost participation of women in STEM related areas and give them access to all kinds of science knowledge and activities outside the classroom.
W.R.A.P. Women’s Rights Awareness Program
This club I focused on educating students of Culver Academies, specifically the females, of women’s rights across the nation as well as globally.
Writing Center
The Culver Writing Center provides a welcoming environment in which writers of all levels can receive individualized help with their writing. First conceived of in the spring of 2006 as a “Center for Writing and Critical Thinking,” the Writing Center found its home in the Eppley Hall of Humanities (Room A119) in the fall of 2007. Since that time, the Writing Center’s staff has provided Culver students and adults with one-on-one attention in order to enhance those writers’ quality of writing and depth of thinking. The Writing Center focuses on empowerment and ownership to help each writer improve at his or her own pace.
With a philosophy of focusing on the writer not the writing, the staff develops successful student writers into peer tutors. These tutors, along with the Writing Center’s director and writing coach, meet with writers throughout the school day and into the hours of evening CQ. In addition to the individual sessions, the Writing Center provides writing workshops for classes and sponsors a series of writing contests open to the entire Culver community.
Beason Board
The Ross Beason, Jr., Memorial Hall was given to the Culver Educational Foundation by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beason, Sr. in memory of their son. The Hall provides a social centre where all First Classmen and Seniors can gather together and forge the bonds of deep and enduring friendship that are known only to classmates. The Beason Board, and their Advisor, plan and coordinate social activities which occur in Beason Hall. The Board is also responsible for enforcing Beason rules. Each dorm/unit elect a representative to the Beason Board in the spring of their Junior year.
Campus Activities Board (CAB)
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) plans and executes fun extracurricular events on and off campus which are open to all members of the student body. The board is responsible for sponsoring events and recommending the Student Activities schedule. Members are selected each spring through an application and interview process with the current board members and the board's advisor.
CGA Drill Team – Honor Organization
We are one of two honor organizations for Culver Girls Academy. Our members are expected to be role models for CGA on and off of the team. Our performances contain marching, formations, and spinning rifles. This commitment is yearlong, however, we, try to work with the girls as much as possible to make necessary exceptions as long as they are upfront. If comparing us to the CMA drill teams, we are in line with the exhibition drill team for our type of performance.
Class Representatives
Equestriennes – Honor Organization
The Equestriennes are a mounted drill team and CGA Honor Organization. The Equestriennes perform choreographed drills on campus and perform in parades and other events off campus. The Equestriennes are open to girls enrolled in Equine Science classes who pass a riding test. Members must maintain good citizenship and academic grades.
Exhibition Drill Team
The purpose of the Exhibition Drill Team is to practice and perform unique precision rifle drill movements, which instills professionalism and discipline in cadets. This highly disciplined platoon exemplifies the professionalism associated with Culver Military Academies. Each year, they perform at Parents Weekends, Alumni Weekend, and various other performances on and off campus.
4-Gun Drill – Honor Organization
Formed in 1921 as the Horse Drawn Field Artillery and known then as the Culver Battery, the Four-Gun Drill is the Artillery Honor Organization. To be a member, artillery cadets must maintain good academic standing and demonstrate proficiency in their particular task, whether driving the vehicle, or members of the Gun Crew. Four-Gun Drill is a comprehensive Army wide battle drill for artillery that describes the duties and responsibilities of each member of a firing batter from displacement of one firing position to the firing of rounds at another. Culver’s Four-Gun Drill simulates a firing battery in direct support of the Culver rifles. Their equipment consists of Korean War era ¾ ton Dodge Weapons Carriers and World War 2 era M3 105mm Mountain Howitzers. They enter the riding hall from the march, lay in their battery and prepare for a fire mission.
Honor Guard – Honor Organization
Performs a unique precision silent drill exhibition
Lancer Band – Honor Organization
The Lancer Band is the Honor Organization of the Band Company. This elite and versatile music ensemble serves the school by providing music for most of the unique programs, shows and ceremonies presented each year at Culver. Such events are accompanying three of the four Military and Riding Exhibitions- the Equestriennes, Lancers and Four-Gun Drill, presenting the Colors for All-School Meetings, our unique Veterans’ Day Ceremony, and other command performances requested by Culver.
The young men of the Lancer Band are selected from the larger Band Company by audition and must have a high level of musical ability, good citizenship and unusual dedication to meet the many demands required by the ensemble.
Lancer Platoon – Honor Organization
The Lancer Platoon is one of the honor organizations at Culver Academies, comprising of the best horseman of the Black Horse Troop, who must maintain good academics and citizenship. Members must also demonstrate proficiency in advanced equitation.
As well as performing the musical ride, over the years, the Lancers have ridden in many prestigious parades including the Indy 500 Parade, Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade, and the Tulip Parade in Holland, Michigan. The Lancers have also had the honor to provide escorts to visiting Kings and Queens and heads of state. Most recently the Lancers with the Equestriennes were part of the opening ceremony celebrations at the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky. This Color Guard also performs at all home horsemanship sports events.
Regulation Drill Team
Student Favorites
Every Friday and Saturday evening Culver has an organized activity for students to attend. There are all kinds of activities and events to appeal to a wide range of interests. Here are some of the favorites: