Developing scientifically literate citizens.
Science at Culver Academies extends far beyond basic academic requirements. The program is designed to enhance problem-solving skills, provide practice in the scientific inquiry process and help students apply their learning to global issues.
Guided Research Through Honors
Students approved for the two term course; Honors in Science design and execute their own research project under the supervision of a faculty mentor. We use a “research group” model, where all students work towards a common, over-arching research goal, but chose their own project and field of study within that framework. Over-arching research topics are current, relevant problems that allow for a variety of student choice. In the past, students’ fields of study have included molecular biology, microbiology, analytical chemistry, applied chemistry, and others.
Projects that qualify may be submitted for local, state, national, and international competitions or for publication in scientific journals.
To apply for the Science Honors Seminar, students should have completed or be in the process of completing their 6 term science requirement, earning Honors or taking AP in the core disciplines. Waiver of this requirement will be on a student-by-student basis.
Contact Dr. Jackie Carrillo or Dr. Chris Carrillo to learn more about the Honors in Science program.
Science Instruction
- All students must complete six terms of science, including physics, chemistry and biology (4 terms total) as well as two additional terms of science of the student's choice.
- Students can earn honors in the core courses of physics, chemistry and biology, and may take Advanced Placement courses in physics, chemistry, biology and environmental science.
- Science classes take place in the state-of-the-art Roberts Hall of Science.
- In addition to our core and AP courses, students have the opportunity to take applied, project-oriented courses that authentically combine science disciplines. You can read the course descriptions in our Course Catalog.
Research Facilities
Using cutting edge facilities in a dedicated 1800 square foot research laboratory, the Honors in Science program is generously supported through the Strait Fund, which provides funding for equipment and supplies for student projects. Students also have access to a variety of research lab-grade equipment, including thermal cyclers, laminar flow benches, a -80oC freezer, and computer-interfaced measuring tools, centrifuges, incubators, sterilizers, fume hoods, and high precision balances.