Academic Assignments
Each fellow is assigned to a master instructor in his/her academic discipline. This mentor teacher helps the fellow learn the basics of teaching, methodology, classroom management, and parent/student relations. The Dean of Faculty, Academic Dean, and Fellowship Coordinator conduct seminars to help orient the fellows in assessment, learning theory, and other current topics in educational research. Fellows will be encouraged to attend conferences of the professional organizations in their specific disciplines. Culver Fellows are active in planning and executing lessons; however the mentor teacher will remain a presence in the classroom through the first academic term. Starting with the second term, the Fellow will gradually take on full responsibility for conducting daily lessons, although the mentor teacher will continue to occasionally observe. Fellows help plan activities, construct tests, quizzes, and writing assignments. Each day, the mentor teacher and Fellow will discuss lessons, grading, classroom successes, and ways of improving performance. Fellows often enjoy the opportunity to work one-on-one with students in tutorial periods designed to help those experiencing academic difficulty.
Extracurricular Assignments
During each of the three athletic seasons, the Fellow assists with an activity, either working with student teams or in one-on-one training. Culver offers a variety of rich athletic opportunities for its students; thus, the Fellows will have ample occasions to coach and work in supporting roles. Head and assistant coaches serve as mentors to the Fellows in the athletic arena. These veterans will help the Fellows learn the principles of coaching as established by the Character and Sport Initiative based at the Culver Academies. In the event that a Fellow does not feel comfortable assisting with a specific sport, or has limited athletic experience overall, he or she may help supervise in the extensive intramural and extracurricular program. Fellows, whose expertise is in the Arts, may wish to be assigned to a program in this area.
Residential Life
Fellows live in furnished dormitory apartments where they have ready access to students living in their units. They act as a second set of eyes and ears for the counselor, often keying in on nuances of behavior that can lead to potential problems. Fellows assume duties that allow them to become an integral part of the residential community. They serve as dorm supervisors two evenings a week, making sure that study conditions are in effect and overall behavior is monitored. Twice a month they are “in residence” on weekends providing an adult presence in the dormitories overnight. The counselor of each unit/dorm functions as the Fellows' mentor in the student life area. They meet regularly to discuss issues that arise in their particular living units.